I am certified in a variety of professional fields as they relate to Certified Public Accounting. This interdisciplinary foundation enables me to easily manage tax and financial concerns related to your industry, business type and specific client situations and goals.
LICENSE: Certified Public Accountant (C.P.A.), Colorado 1991
CREDENTIALS: Certified Valuation Analyst (C.V.A.), 2006,
N. A. C. V. A.
Certified in Financial Forensics (C.F.F.), 2009, A. I. C. P. A.
Chartered Global Management Accountant (C.G.M.A.), 2014, A. I. C. P. A.
EDUCATION: B. S. in Accounting & Finance
Metropolitan State College, Denver, CO:
December, 1987
PROFESSIONAL: Mark L. Sanders, C.P.A. 1992 - Present
I'm a full service accounting and tax practice. I perform a substantial amount of income tax planning, research, and preparation for individuals, corporations (both C and S corps), L. L. C.’s, L. L. P.’s & partnerships, estates and trusts. I have represented clients before many federal, state and local taxing authorities with regards to income taxes, payroll taxes, sales/uses taxes & property taxes. I have represented clients before the I.R.S. and various states with regards to Offer in Compromise resolutions, Audits and/or Examinations. I have worked on several complex Receiverships in conjunction with various court appointed Receivers, and or governmental agencies such as the Colorado Division of Securities.
Consulting services offered range from: implementation of internal accounting controls: retirement planning: litigation support services: business valuation services: entity formation & structuring recommendations: budgeting assistance & support processes, etc... All of these services assist the business owner(s) in making important decisions. I also am presently serving as, and have served as, a Trustee, Personal Representative and/or Executor on behalf of several clients.
Public Accountant, Denver, CO 1987 - 1992
MEMBERSHIPS: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (A. I. C. P. A.)
Colorado Society of Certified Public Accountants (C. S. C. P. A.’s)
National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts (N. A. C. V. A.)
HOBBIES: Golf, Fly-fishing, Running, Landscaping, Reading
REFERENCES: Provided upon request
RECOGNITIONS: Multiple Yr. Recipient 5 Star Wealth Manager Award Winner (2011, 2013,2014,2015,2016)
Questions or concerns?
Call me at (303) 741-4132 or use the contact form.